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Join Us for the 静脉中心 Open House

你是否有腿部疼痛、肿胀、难看的蜘蛛静脉、静脉曲张或其他问题? Over 40 million Americans suffer daily as a result of venous disease. 我们可以帮忙. Offering a range of treatments for vein problems, 离家近, your legs can look and feel great again. Join us for an open house and ribbon cutting on Sept. 12.



  • How do I know if I have vein disease?

    幸运的是, 大多数静脉疾病可以通过观察皮肤表面静脉的大小和颜色来发现. 然而,在某些情况下,病变静脉可能在体内较深的地方,通过皮肤是看不见的. 因此,密切关注其他症状对诊断静脉疾病很重要. Many patients with vein disease experience cramping, 疼痛, 燃烧, 瘙痒, 疼痛, 或者“累”或“不安”的腿, especially in the calf muscles. If you experience these symptoms, Highpoint健康静脉中心的医生和工作人员可以做一个简单的测试来确定你是否有静脉疾病.

  • 静脉疾病有多常见?

    Vein disease of the legs is a common medical condition. 据估计,美国有一半的中年人受到不美观且经常疼痛的静脉曲张的影响. 15-25%的成年人患有静脉曲张,大约50%的50岁以上的人患有静脉曲张. 女性 are twice as likely as males to develop varicose veins and spider veins.

  • 静脉疾病的成因?

    Heredity is the single greatest contributor to vein disease, 因为大约70%的静脉曲张患者的父母都有同样的情况. 怀孕,尤其是多胎妊娠,是静脉疾病的一个重要原因. Other factors influencing vein disease are age, obesity and jobs that require long periods of standing. 其他因素可能包括血凝块病史和增加腹部压力的条件, 比如肿瘤, constipation and tight garments, 既往静脉手术, and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  • 静脉疾病可以预防吗?

    一般没有. 如果你有静脉疾病的家族史,你没有办法改变你的基因. Being overweight can accelerate the progression of vein disease, and long periods of standing can also add to the problem. 饮食和鞋类通常被认为与静脉疾病的形成无关.

  • 什么是静脉疾病?

    Veins are the blood vessels that return blood to the heart from the body. To overcome the force of gravity, inside the veins are one-way valves which open to allow blood flow to the heart, and close to prevent “reflux” of blood back toward the feet. When these valves fail to function, or if the vein is damaged so the valves do not completely close, blood can begin to pool in the vein and cause a variety of complications.

  • What are the treatment options for vein disease?

    根据静脉疾病的类型和阶段,有许多不同的治疗方法. The 静脉中心 physician and staff will explain all of the options. The following are common treatments performed for vein disease:

    For minor pain from varicose veins, a compression stocking may be beneficial. 压缩袜可以帮助腿部将血液泵回心脏. While the vein disease symptoms may be relieved, compression stockings will not make the varicose veins go away.
    Used commonly for spider veins and small varicose veins, 硬化疗法包括向病变静脉注射少量液体. 硬化液体作用于静脉内壁,使其封闭, eliminating the vein completely. 硬化疗法可以在医生的办公室快速完成,不需要麻醉.
    从历史上看, 治疗大静脉曲张的唯一方法是手术切除或从体内“剥离”静脉. 手术剥离是在麻醉下在手术室进行的,病人需要相当长的恢复期. 最近,一种被称为流动静脉切开术的改良版剥离术的应用越来越广泛. In this version of surgical stripping, multiple incisions are made to hook and remove the vein one portion at a time. More incisions are made than in standard vein stripping, but the damage to the leg and post-surgery recovery time are minimized.
    在过去几年里, 静脉内消融术已成为一种公认的替代手术剥离治疗静脉曲张的方法. 在静脉内消融治疗中, a thin fiber is inserted into the diseased vein, 一般通过在腿部上方的小穿刺出现视觉症状. 然后,医生通过纤维输送能量(射频或激光),随着纤维逐渐被移除,导致静脉关闭. 静脉内消融治疗可以在医生的办公室在不到一个小时内完成, and the patient is encouraged to walk immediately following the procedure.

  • 哪些人不应该接受治疗?

    患者应在怀孕或大手术后至少等待三个月再接受静脉疾病治疗. Persons with deep vein thrombosis or incompetence, 由于其他原因不能行走的病人不适合接受治疗.

  • If the vein is closed by the treatment, where does the blood go?

    Because there are many veins in the leg, 本应流经封闭静脉的血液在手术后会流向其他健康的静脉. The loss of the diseased vein is not a problem for the circulatory system.

  • What can happen if varicose veins aren’t treated?

    Varicose veins generally worsen over time. Initially, slight pain and 不安 in the diseased leg will be felt. 如果未经处理的, 这种疼痛会增加,并导致行走受限和睡觉时抽筋. 最终,静脉曲张会导致足部溃疡、血块和组织损失.

  • What are the complications of vein treatment?

    幸运的是, 硬化治疗和静脉内消融治疗在正确实施时很少伴有严重的并发症. Common minor complications of these procedures include bruising, 轻微的瘙痒, 刺痛, 治疗后两周内,患者的腿会有压痛和紧绷感.


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